Access To Farms
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CEVAS Education
Location - Harling Farm, Bere Alston, Yelverton, Devon PL20 7JD

Cost: £250.00 +VAT

Course Dates

Day 1 of 2: 15/06/2023

Day 2 of 2: 04/07/2023

Start time for Day 1 and further details of the location will be sent a week before the start of the course if not before.

Please note: You must attend all sessions. By booking on to the course you confirm you can attend all of the above sessions. Active participation is a requirement of all elements of the course.

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CEVAS is managed by LEAF (Linking Environment And Farming) on behalf of the Access to Farms Partnership.

This website has been developed thanks to support from the NFU Mutual Charitable Trust.


Access to Farms
c/o LEAF